The know-how
Both qualified in oenology, Xavier and Gaëlle approach wine with much humility. According to their motto, organoleptic reality does not exist, therefore their wines will not follow this or that fashion trend to respond to current media hype. Together, they will simply strive to vinify authentic Champagnes.
Crafting G.X. CROCHET Champagnes begins long before harvest, with sensorial walks through the respective plots. Seeing, touching, smelling and tasting the grapes allows Gaëlle and Xavier to appreciate their maturity and aromatic potential. Full of promise, the grape berries allow a precise picking circuit to be established. As the appellation dictates it, harvesting the grapes by hand ensures the best bunches are selected and the grapes reach the pressing floor intact. Installing three presses has allowed storage time to be kept to an absolute minimum. Particular care is taken during pressing, and meticulous sorting allows separate vinification of the top quality grapes. The wines are vinified in thermoregulated steel tanks or small enamelled steel tanks. Depending on their sensorial qualities, certain wines spend time in oak barrels to obtain a new «image ».
The qualitative work undertaken in the vineyard allows an approach of minimal intervention, while respecting the vintage, grape variety and cru. Similar to composing a symphony where a variety of instruments are drawn together, Gaëlle and Xavier will taste the entire palette of wines : memorizing the current year’s style for each grape variety, capturing the spirit of each plot, enabling them to blend the wines and recall each cuvée’s characteristics for that particular year. The precise, elegant cuvées, full of character, can now spend many months slowly resting, until disgorgement and dosage complete the process of attaining harmonious balance.